Solid Organ Transplant Residency Program (PGY2)

The Solid Organ Transplant PGY2 Residency Program is an ASHP-accredited one year residency established to provide specialty training for residents interested in solid organ transplant. The PGY2 program at Rush has one PGY2 solid organ transplant resident and additional PGY2 residents in critical care, emergency medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, oncology and health system pharmacy administration and leadership

The primary goal of the program is to develop independent clinicians with a core set of clinical, teaching and research skills to be able to design and deliver care for solid organ transplant patients. This overarching goal will be completed through exposure to a variety of experiential opportunities where the resident will serve as an integral member of the rounding team by participating in medication therapy management, answering clinical questions and serving as a drug information resource to the healthcare team. Additionally, the clinical experience is supplemented by the resident on-call program, where the resident will provide in-house service for emergency response and drug information. The resident will have an opportunity to enhance teaching abilities through didactic lectures to other disciplines in the medical center as well as at colleges of pharmacy, self and peer evaluation and being a preceptor to first year pharmacy residents and doctor of pharmacy students. The program will also develop research skills through completion of a longitudinal research project and manuscript preparation.

The residency program is designed to comply with the published accreditation standards of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP).


Patient Care experience

The program offers multidisciplinary and comprehensive care of recipients of liver, kidney, and kidney/pancreas transplants of a diverse patient population. Following completion of this program, the resident will have developed the skills necessary for the competent, compassionate, and evidence-based care of transplant recipients. The resident will serve as an integral member of the surgical team by participating in medication therapy management, answering key clinical questions and serving as a resource to the healthcare team. Our outpatient transplant clinics offer the resident experience in all aspects of transplant care.

Research experience

The PGY2 resident will be expected to complete a longitudinal research project in collaboration with an experienced preceptor and clinician stakeholders. The project will be of the resident’s choice and be related to pharmacotherapy in organ transplantation. The project will be presented at the American Transplant Congress meeting, ACCP Annual Meeting or at the Illinois Pharmacy Resident Conference. Dedicated time throughout the residency year will be provided for research activities.

Teaching experience

RUMC is actively involved in experiential coursework and receives students from Midwestern University, Chicago State University, University of Illinois at Chicago/Rockford, and Roosevelt University. The resident can serve as a preceptor to develop hands-on teaching skills. The resident will also lead small group discussions with pharmacy students and PGY1 residents. There will be opportunities to participate in the didactic education at Roosevelt University.

Staffing experience

Service responsibilities include one out of every three to (remove) four weekends of clinical staffing focused on the care of solid organ transplant patients. There are also some staffing responsibilities during the 24 hour call program.

On-call experience

The resident will be expected to take overnight call in the medical center. Responsibilities during call include, but are not limited to, pharmacokinetic drug monitoring, answering clinical questions, participation in code blue emergencies, approval of restricted antimicrobials, participation in acute stroke emergencies, medication reconciliation in the emergency department and order verification responsibilities.


Core rotations
  • Orientation (unless this is a retained Rush resident) - 4 weeks 
  • Inpatient Solid Organ Transplant 1 - 6 weeks 
  • Outpatient Solid Organ Transplant 1 - 6 weeks 
  • Surgical Intensive Care Unit (unless completed previously) - 4 weeks 
  • Immunocompromised Infectious Disease Consult Service - 4 weeks 
  • Transplant Nephrology - 4 weeks 
  • Transplant Hepatology - 4 weeks 
  • Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement – 2 weeks
  • Research and Medical Writing - 52 weeks longitudinal 
  • Weekend and On Call - 52 weeks longitudinal
Elective rotations
  • Lung Transplant (off-site) – 4 weeks 
  • Pediatric Transplant (off-site) - 2 weeks 
  • Academia (Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy) - 2 weeks
  • Inpatient Solid Organ Transplant 2 - 6 weeks 
  • Outpatient Solid Organ Transplant 2 - 6 weeks 
  • Repeat of any of the required rotations 
  • Additional experiences may be arranged based on resident interest and service availability
Longitudinal experiences
  • Teaching Opportunities:
    • Options for didactic lectures to students of various healthcare professions
    • Precepting students (APPE/IPPE) and PGY1 residents
    • Pharmacy Grand Rounds (2 presentations) (Required)
  • Policy/Management:
    • Clinical Meetings associated with transplant (Required)
    • Quality project (Required)
    • Policy/Guideline development or revision (Required)
    • State/National Organization Committee involvement
  • Residency Research Project (Required):
    • Select a project of interest, submit for IRB approval, collect data, analyze results and present at the results to the Rush Department of Pharmacy and at a local or national meeting outside of Rush
  • Pharmacy Services (Required):
    • Practice Obligation: every fourth weekend; on-call staffing responsibilities
    • Code Blue and Acute Stroke Pager Coverage
    • 24 hour in house on-call program

Salary and benefits for the Solid Organ Transplant Residency Program

The resident will be paid approximately $52,700 annually. Checks are issued every other Friday via direct deposit, which is set up through the payroll department. The resident will be allotted 25 PTO days and 5 CE days for professional meetings (separate from PTO days) throughout the year.

In addition to the salary, Rush will cover continuing education opportunities up to $1,000 each calendar year for residents. PGY2 residents are also reimbursed up to $1,500 for travel for the residency year. Rush offers generous benefits including medical, dental and vision insurance.

How to apply

Interested candidates should apply for the PGY2 Solid Organ Transplant Residency program through the following channels:

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept any international applicants at this time.

Contact us

If you have questions about the program not covered on this page, in our manual or in our brochure, please contact:

Marissa M. Brokhof, PharmD, BCPS, BCTXP
Director, PGY2 Solid Organ Transplant Residency