John Segreti, MD: Expert in Infection Control and Prevention

'Brilliant and dedicated doctor' offered invaluable guidance during pandemic
John Segreti, MD

John Segreti, MD, medical director of Infection Control and Prevention at Rush University Medical Center and current president of the medical staff, died on June 16. 

Segreti leaves behind a legacy of dedication, expertise and compassion that has deeply impacted Rush and the broader medical community. For more than 40 years, his contributions were not only foundational to the operations of infection control and prevention protocols at Rush but were also instrumental during critical times.  

“Dr. Segreti was not only a brilliant and dedicated doctor but also a cherished friend and colleague for decades,” said Larry Goodman, MD, former CEO of Rush University Medical Center. “His tireless commitment to patient safety and infectious disease prevention saved countless lives and set a standard of excellence at Rush.”  

A guiding light 

Segreti’s guidance during the most challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic was particularly invaluable, as he provided clear and reliable information that helped shape Rush’s response and ensure the safety of its patients, staff and the public.  

“Dr. Segreti’s unwavering dedication and expertise provided us with the strength and direction needed to navigate unprecedented times,” said Paul Casey, MD, MBA, FACEP, senior vice president and chief medical officer of Rush University System for Health. “In the face of adversity, he remained a steady and reassuring figure. His ability to remain plainspoken and approachable, regardless of the complexity or stress of any situation, earned him the trust and respect of everyone with whom he worked.” 

Segreti was a voice of calm and reason throughout the pandemic, frequently sharing his expertise with the media. He appeared in nearly 600 stories that reached many millions of readers.

A mentor to many 

Segreti served in numerous leadership roles including president of the Rush medical staff, hospital epidemiologist, and chair of the Infection Prevention and Control Committee. He was also a respected professor in the Department of Internal Medicine.  

“Dr. Segreti’s educational contributions shaped the careers of countless medical students and professionals, instilling in them the same passion for improving the lives of patients through his knowledge of infectious diseases,” said Cynthia Brincat, MD, PhD, Henry P. Russe, MD, Dean (acting) of Rush Medical College. “His helpful, courteous and likable nature endeared him to patients and colleagues alike, making him not just a doctor, but a friend and mentor to many.” 

Segreti graduated from Rush Medical College in 1980 and soon completed his residency and a fellowship in infectious diseases. He remained at Rush his entire career. Outside of his work, his personal hobbies included boxing and ballroom dancing. Segreti and his wife, Jeanne, danced competitively for decades.  

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to support the John Segreti, MD Medical Staff for Medical Students Scholarship Fund. Please send memorial checks made out to "Rush University Medical Center" to Rush Office of Philanthropy, 28057 Network Place, Chicago, IL 60673-1280 or visit

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