Precision Oncology Services

Genomic tests can help guide treatments for advanced cancers — based on your cancer genetic makeup — that may prolong survival or improve your quality of life.

What is Precision Oncology?

Precision oncology is the use of treatments that target the specific characteristics of your individual tumor. Our experts study your genetic profile to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your cancer and how it will react to certain therapies. This allows our team to better personalize your care plan.

The Rush Approach to Precision Oncology

When you have an advanced cancer, precision oncology can help uncover new treatment options, even for cancers that had previously been considered untreatable. That's because we now know that that the effectiveness of cancer treatment often depends on your — and your cancer genes — genomic makeup.

Rush's experienced precision oncology team specializes in using genetic testing for cancer to help find treatments that may prolong survival or improve your quality of life.

As one of the few programs of its kind across the country, Rush’s precision oncology program is led by doctors who have shaped the field of precision oncology. They work with you and each other to develop a treatment plan based on your unique genomic makeup. This plan may include therapies that have been FDA-approved for other purposes or clinical trials.

Precision Oncology Providers at Rush

Rush has precision oncology providers in downtown Chicago.

Meet our precision oncology providers
stethoscope Meet our precision oncology providers

How the Precision Oncology Program Works

Our precision oncology team won’t replace your primary oncologist; we’ll work closely alongside them. Here’s how our precision oncology program works:

  • Referral from your doctor: Your doctor can refer you to our precision oncology program if you’re an adult with an advanced stage solid tumor or metastatic cancer. If you’re not sure whether you qualify, talk with your doctor.
  • Your appointment: Your appointment will include an exam, a blood draw and, if needed, a biopsy to take a small sample of the tumor for genomic evaluation. You’ll also meet our team members and have plenty of time to ask them questions.
  • Genomic testing: We’ll conduct comprehensive tests and analyses of your cancer to look for genomic features that might make certain treatments more or less effective.
  • Expert review: Our precision oncology team — which includes medical oncologists, pathologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, pharmacists, computational biologists and other specialists — will meet to discuss your unique genomic profile and treatment needs.
  • Personalized recommendations: We’ll develop personalized treatment recommendations that we’ll share with you and your primary oncologists. Your treatment plan may include therapies that have been FDA-approved for other purposes, or clinical trials available at Rush or elsewhere.
  • Your decision: You can discuss our recommendations with your primary oncologist and decide whether you want to move forward. If you do move forward, we will work with you and your doctor to coordinate your care and start treatment.


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U.S. News & World Report ranked Rush University Medical Center among the best in the nation for cancer care.

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Researchers at Rush are investigating new cancer treatments.

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See open clinical trials

Precision Oncology Locations


Oncology doctors with  a patient

RUSH MD Anderson Cancer Center

1520 W Harrison St
Joan and Paul Rubschlager Building
Chicago, IL 60607

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Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sat – Sun: Closed
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