The Rush Approach to Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Maternal-fetal medicine providers have advanced knowledge and training to care for complicated or high-risk pregnancies.
Using advanced screening and testing, including our state-of-the-art ultrasound services, our maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialists can detect pregnancy complications earlier and more accurately. We also provide expert care to women whose pregnancies are more complex because of pre-existing health conditions.
Because every pregnancy is different, we provide a spectrum of care depending on your needs. We offer a one-time consultation with treatment plan or a collaborative care approach with your OB-GYN — both options if you'd like to continue your prenatal care with your current provider.
It's our goal to use our expertise and Rush resources to give you and your baby the healthiest outcome. Part of our care may mean collaborating with other Rush specialists, such as cardiologists, nephrologists and pediatric subspecialists, to best support your pregnancy, health and wellness.
Rush Excellence in Maternal-Fetal Medicine Care
- Nationally recognized and research driven: Rush's MFM team includes national leaders in the field of maternal-fetal medicine. These doctors are dedicated to researching causes and new treatments for high-risk pregnancy conditions. Because of their emphasis on research, you'll be confident that you're receiving the most innovative treatments and effective care for your pregnancy.
- Expertly-trained to care for multiples: Women carrying multiples are more likely to develop high blood pressure and gestational diabetes during pregnancy, as well as deliver early. Our MFM experts have experience caring for multiples, including those with fetal abnormalities or complications due to having more than one fetus. For the most complex cases, including twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, our MFMs partner with the Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Center at Rush University Medical Center.
- Fetal and Neonatal Center provides coordinated mother-baby care: Rush University Medical Center offers the Fetal and Neonatal Center if you and your unborn baby are facing rare and complex medical challenges. This center bring together a team of experts, including our MFM providers, to provide coordinated mother-baby care for your pregnancy and beyond. The center treats babies with a wide range of medical problems, including heart, brain and intestinal issues, with support from pediatric and adult specialists, genetic counselors and social workers both before and after your baby is born.
- Extra attention for expecting moms at Family Birth Center: The Family Birth Centers at Rush University Medical Center and Rush Copley Medical Center offer compassionate, expert and comfortable care to pregnant women with complex conditions. Each center features dedicated rooms for these expectant moms — giving them privacy, comforts of home and specialized prenatal care as they prepare to safely deliver their babies.
- Sharing our care to increase access: Women who have high-risk pregnancies that deliver at hospitals with maternal-fetal medicine specialists are more likely to have safer births. Unfortunately, not all hospitals — nor all pregnant women — have access to this type of care. For this reason, Illinois created a network of perinatal centers to serve patients from hospitals without specialized care. Rush serves as one of these centers, caring for patients from a network of 18 Chicago-area hospitals. We are dedicated to helping women have access to high-risk care by sharing our expert resources.
- Highest level of NICU care: Planning for your baby's care after delivery can be complicated, particularly for high-risk pregnancies. If your baby needs extra attention after birth, we have the highest level (level III) neonatal intensive care units (NICU) to provide immediate care. Located at Rush University Medical Center and Rush Copley Medical Center, our NICUs are near our labor and delivery units, allowing our specialized neonatology team to care for your baby quickly in a time of need. Also, both NICUs offer private rooms with 24/7 access to allow you to be with your baby anytime during their stay.