Waterford Place

Spotlight: Beverly Warren, Hair Loss Practitioner

Helping others look and feel good during cancer treatment
Hair loss practitioner Beverly Warren
Waterford Place

Spotlight: Kate Fleming, Yoga Instructor

Helping others discover the transformative benefits of yoga
Yoga instructor Kate Fleming
Waterford Place

Your Brain on Art: The Healing Power of Expressive Arts

Explore your creative side to reduce stress and create happiness
Painting a picture
Waterford Place

Robert Halstead Awarded Waterford Place Outstanding Supporter Medal

Support includes cooking, cleaning and much more
Omar Ramos with Outstanding Supporter Robert Halstead and his wife, Martha
Waterford Place

The Essentials on Essential Oils

As a complement to oncology care, aromatherapy can help with anxiety, nausea and pain
Essential oils in diffuser

Playing it Safe in the Sun

The sun’s rays can cause sunburn and premature aging. Protect against both
Play it safe in the sun
Waterford Place

Students Sew Port Pillows for Patients

Project allows students to ‘do something for someone else’
Teacher Nancy Jansen shows Omar Ramos some of the port pillows her students made.
Waterford Place

Poems Express Thoughts on Cancer

Waterford Place participants turn poetic to share their feelings about cancer
Expressing feelings about cancer
Waterford Place

Acupuncture Can Help Patients During Cancer Treatment

Therapy helps activate the body’s ability to heal itself
Patient relaxing during acupuncture
Waterford Place

Spotlight: Erica Arteaga, Program and Administrative Support Coordinator

Building relationships is the best part of her job
Erica Arteaga