Patient Stories

Patient Stories

Christine's Story

How Rush's Advanced Lipid Clinic is saving her life
Rush patient Christine Morrisey
Patient Stories

Jermaine's Story

A life in peril, a team at the ready
Rush Patient Jermaine Brooks and the Rush University Medical Center ECMO Team
Patient Stories

Felita's Story

Shining light on lung cancer
Felita Adams - Feature
Patient Stories

Gina’s Story

Catching lung cancer early saved this lifelong smoker
Patient Stories

Mary Pat's Story

Mary Pat would follow Amina Ahmed, MD, just about anywhere
Dr. Amina Ahmed with patient Mary Pat Wright
Patient Stories

Sergio's Story

The Road Home Program helped this veteran cope with PTSD
Sergio Alfaro
Patient Stories

Janice's Story

Facing breast cancer with a compassionate, expert team
Patient Stories

Leanna's Story

Finding healing after breast cancer
Leanna Blanchard
Patient Stories

Reather’s Story

How Rush helped Reather get relief from pelvic prolapse pain
Reather's Story
Patient Stories

Neesie’s Story

Surviving a heart attack during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rush Patient Neesie Lampman and Cardiologist Anupama Rao, MD