Patient Stories

Patient Stories

A Kidney to Save My Sister

When your sister is a part of you, giving a piece of yourself to save her is the easiest choice you’ll ever make.
Two people hug at a hospital
Patient Stories

Tonia’s Story: Thankful for New Shoulder

After a partial shoulder replacement, Tonia Logan can do things she hasn’t done in years
Tonia Logan at the beach
Patient Stories

Embracing 'Going Flat'

How Nekeia Wilson overcame a breast cancer diagnosis — and found a new path in life
Patient Stories

From Surviving Cancer to Celebrating a Milestone

How Lorayne Wright overcame her diagnosis with strength and resilience — and help from her care team at Rush
Patient Stories

Wayne’s Story: Determined To Be the Best He Can Be

Wayne Janovsky challenges himself with exercise to slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease
Wayne keeps active on exercise bike

Driving Scientific Discovery with Advanced Imaging Technology

Gift from Rush Trustee Brian McCormack and his wife, Katie, funds new Imaging Center
Katie and Brian McCormack stand together next to a sign for the Katie and Brian McCormack Diagnostic Imaging Center at RUSH.

Christine’s Story: ‘Five Minutes Can Change Your Life’

Patient discovers the importance of screenings — for herself and others
Christine Deuchler at RUSH Copley Cancer Care Center
Patient Stories

A Long Road To Healing

Melissa Byrne's breast reconstruction didn't go as planned — until she got to RUSH.
Patient Stories

A Visit To Remember

A couple’s weekend trip to Illinois turned into a month spent in the hospital
Family returns home to NH
Patient Stories

A Dream Come True

Foundation grants patient’s dream to eat lobster in Maine
Rick holds lobster