Children's Health

Children’s Health

Prescribing Antibiotics for Kids

A pediatrician explains why giving antibiotics to kids isn't always the right thing to do
Children’s Health

Kids and Screen Time

A pediatrician at Rush shares his opinion on the effects of "screen time" on children's development
Children’s Health

8 Things to Know About the HPV Vaccine

Karen Lui, MD, a pediatrician at RUSH, shares eight things you should know about HPV and the vaccine
Patient Stories

Maya's Story

Seeing kids at Rush who couldn't leave the hospital was an unforgettable experience for Maya
Pregnancy & Childbirth

Ivy's Story

Nicole and Tony Cavalea describe their experience at Rush University Medical Center's NICU after the birth of their daughter
Patient Stories

David and Evan's Story

David and Evan are twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome survivors