Allergy and Immunology Experts

James Moy, MD

Immunology, Allergy | Immunity Research
Languages: English, Cantonese

James Moy is an allergy and immunology physician who is an expert on immunity. His top areas of research include antibody levels after illness or immunization, immunity after immunization and asthma interventions.

Media Clips
New study finds natural infection wanes at same rate as boosters
Rush University study shows encouraging results for COIVD-19 booster shot


Dr. James Moy

Lena Al-Harthi, PhD

Microbial Pathogens | Immunity Research
Lena Al-Harthi is an expert in the study of microbial pathogens, immunity and neuro inflammation. Her research is focused on understanding the mechanisms that drive HIV neurocognitive disorders (HAND) and HIV latency in the central nervous system. She is the Thomas J. Coogan Sr., MD, Chair of Immunology, Department of Microbial Pathogens and Immunity at RUSH Medical College.

Media Clips
Scientists begin to unravel the mysteries of the coronavirus and brains
ICUs become ‘delirium factory’ for COVID-19 patients
RUSH Researcher Finds That Brain Cells Can Harbor and Spread HIV


Lena Al-Harthi, PhD