
If you snore, have sleep apnea or can't breathe well through your nose, you might have a deviated septum. Rush's board-certified surgeons can help.

Septoplasty is a surgery that corrects defects in the septum — the thin wall of cartilage that divides your nostrils.

The most common condition it corrects is a deviated septum: a nasal septum that blocks one or both nostrils because it's crooked.

Who Would Benefit From Septoplasty?

Many people are born with a deviated septum; it can also develop as part of normal growth, or can happen if you have an injury like a broken nose.

Not everyone with a deviated septum has problems with breathing — but if you do, board-certified surgeons at Rush can help.

Talk with your primary care doctor for referral to a facial surgeon or ear, nose and throat specialist if you have one or more of the following problems:

  • Trouble breathing through your nose
  • Sleep apnea
  • Frequent sinus infections
  • Uncontrollable nosebleeds

Septoplasty is one of the most frequently performed ear, nose and throat surgeries in the United States. It's often done at the same time as rhinoplasty — but unlike rhinoplasty, septoplasty doesn't reshape your nose.

Septoplasty Providers at Rush

Rush surgeons see septoplasty patients in Chicago, Oak Park, Oak Brook, Winnetka and Aurora/Fox Valley.

Meet our septoplasty providers
stethoscope Meet our septoplasty providers

Rush Excellence in Septoplasty

  • Surgical specialists in septoplasty: At Rush, we have experienced septoplasty surgeons in both otorhinolaryngology/ENT and plastic surgery. All of our providers have extensive training and experience in these complex surgeries and are leaders in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.
  • Accurate diagnosis: Your surgeon will do a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms to make sure you get the right treatment. If necessary, they'll collaborate with other Rush specialists who can help, like those in the Rush Sinus, Allergy and Asthma Center.
  • National leaders in care: U.S. News & World Report ranked Rush University Medical Center’s ear, nose and throat care among the best in the nation, and our plastic and reconstructive surgeons are pioneers in new techniques that improve your comfort and results.
  • Focused expertise: The surgeons at Rush who perform deviated septum repairs are highly trained, board-certified experts in ear, nose and throat surgeries and complex craniofacial surgeries — a level of specialized expertise that isn't widely available.
  • Your comfort is key: Our surgeons use minimally invasive techniques whenever possible, which means less pain and shorter recovery time.
  • Focus on form and function: If you're having a rhinoplasty along with your septoplasty, your surgeon will make sure you're happy not only with how great your new nose looks but also with how effortlessly you're able to breathe through it.
  • Convenient care: Rush septoplasty experts are available at multiple locations in the Chicago area, so you can schedule your consultation, surgery and follow-up appointments close to home.