Helping You Navigate Your Adolescent’s Journey
After School Programs Behavioral Management Interventions Dental Care Diet and Nutrition Evaluations Haircuts Incontinence Supplies LGBTQ+ Resources Mentoring Optometrists Pediatricians Post-Secondary Planning Recreation Research Opportunities Residential Programs Sleep Therapeutic Schools Therapy Treatment Tutoring Visual Supports Vocational Programs and Training
Our resources for middle school and high school students with autism are organized into multiple categories. Choose the category from the dropdown that best fits your needs. When applicable, the resources are split into two groups within each category: middle school and high school.
Within each resource listed, you will find a link to its website, a description of services and information about wait lists.
The content in the Autism Resource Directory is updated frequently. For more information or if you have any questions about navigating the Directory or finding a referral, please call us.
We will be happy to assist you.