5 Facts People With Dark Skin Should Know About Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is often in later, more concerning stages when found in people with dark skin, so know your risks
David’s Story: Infusion Treatments Bring Deadly, Blistering Skin Disease Into Remission
When life-threatening pemphigus vulgaris flared up, a new treatment regimen kept this airline captain flying
Ear, Nose & Throat
Bob’s Story: Nose Restored After Skin Cancer Surgery
His nose looks back to normal thanks to a procedure using skin from his own forehead
Eczema or Psoriasis: How to Tell Which One You May Have
Eczema and psoriasis may look similar and have some symptoms in common, but there are a few key ways to tell the difference
What Is Mohs Micrographic Surgery? 8 FAQs About Mohs
Procedure for removing skin cancer has a high success rate and shorter recovery
Playing it Safe in the Sun
The sun’s rays can cause sunburn and premature aging. Protect against both
Practice Sun Safety to Prevent Skin Cancer
Every day, nearly 20 Americans die of melanoma. Dermatologist Arjun Dayal, MD, encourages prevention and early detection
Shelley’s Story: Psoriasis Treatment Is More Than Skin-Deep
Shelley lived with severe psoriasis for her whole life until a RUSH physician listened, provided treatment and gave her hope
Should You Get a Skin Check?
A Rush dermatologist explains who needs a skin cancer screening and what you can expect