Children's Health

Children’s Health

Measles: What You Need to Know

The vaccine provides long-term protection against the potentially severe, highly contagious virus
Woman with measles scratching arm
Children’s Health

Rush Named Batten Disease Clinical Center of Excellence

Rush is one of nine centers named in the national program
Clinical Center of Excellence and Affiliate member
Children’s Health

Most Sudden Infant Deaths Involve Unsafe Sleep

Suffocation accounts for 1 in 4 deaths, Rush report finds
Baby sleeping
Children’s Health

‘Time Is Neurons:’ A Family’s Fight Against an Ultra-Rare Disease

Facing extreme obstacles, families with loved ones who have rare diseases are pushing for easier access to treatment and diagnosis
photograph showing the arms of two people administering an infusion to someone
Children’s Health

Back-to-School Health Checklist

Your guide to a happy, healthy, stress-free back-to-school season
A young boy with a backpack smiles at the front of a line of children waiting to board a yellow school bus.
Children’s Health

New Therapy May Restore Fragile X Protein in Human Cells

The new therapy offers hope for restoring a protein that is critical to brain function
Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth

Nurse Home Visits Help Moms and Newborns

Family Connects program aims to improve infant, maternal health
Sharon Hayes and newborn daughter Jillian
Brain Health & Conditions

Encouraging Findings for Batten Disease Drug

Medication may limit progression of devastating neurodegenerative disease
Kalipada Pahan, PhD
Children’s Health

More Children Ingesting Cannabis Edibles

Toddlers’ exposure soars as legal access grows, study finds
Gummy bears infused with cannabis
Children’s Health

RUSH Receives $5 Million Gift to Advance Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research

Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD, will lead RUSH F.A.S.T. Center for Translational Research
Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD