Stories with tag: "Rush Copley Medical Center"
Children’s Health
Teens and Gyne Care
Judith Brown, DO, obstetrician and gynecologist with Rush Copley Medical Group, explains the importance of why teens should establish care with a gynecologist early in life.
Understanding and Treating Hair Loss
Dr. Arjun Dayal, dermatologist with Rush Copley Medical Group, discusses hair loss and providing a personalized treatment plan for patients.
Patient Stories
Jacob's Story: Getting Back in the Game
After a shoulder injury interfered with his job and love for sports, Jacob Bachio got the help he needed to resume his active lifestyle.
Pediatrician Says ‘I’ve Got Your Back’
Jennifer Kleinfeld, MD, hopes to teach kids they can overcome anything
Bones and Joints
Preventing Elbow Injuries in Young Athletes
Arif Saleem, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with Rush Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, shares ways to help prevent elbow injuries in young athletes.
Bones and Joints
Treating Bursitis
Learn about bursitis and how to treat it from John T Pinnello, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with Rush Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine.