Stories with tag: "Health and Wellness"

Spine & Back

Scoliosis in Adults

While you may consider scoliosis the stuff of grammar school screenings, it can actually resurface later in life or develop as we age.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Prevention is key to avoiding diabetes-related nerve damage
Children’s Health

Talking 'the Talk'

How to help kids navigate intimacy, reproduction and their developing bodies
Healthy Aging & Caregiving

Death and Loss

Helping those facing life-limiting illnesses
Death and loss
Healthy Aging & Caregiving

Aging and Driving

What to do if a loved one is having trouble behind the wheel
Heart Health

Tips for Protecting Your Heart

Learn three surprising ways you can help to prevent heart disease
Toothbrushes and heart
Sleep Health

Chronic Sleep Loss

If you're like most Americans, you're not getting enough sleep. How can you tell?
A woman sitting up in bed facing a window.
Bones and Joints

When Technology Hurts

'Texting thumb' and other tech-related pain, explained
Allergies & Asthma

When Food Makes You Sick

Food allergies can be a matter of life or death. Learn how to avoid a reaction, and what to do if one occurs

Eating to Keep Cancer at Bay

Learn which foods to eat — and which to avoid — to help prevent cancer