Healthy Living

Protect Yourself With the Flu Vaccine

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family during flu season is to receive the flu vaccine
Patient Stories

Connie's Story

How the Find-a-Doctor tool on Rush's website helped Connie choose the person to perform her hernia repair surgery
Brain Health & Conditions

Telemedicine at Rush

The Telemedicine Program is one example of a collaborative, mutually beneficial partnership

Metastatic Brain Cancer Referral Service

Physicians at Rush collaborate to develop timely, personalized treatment plans for patients with brain metastases.
Heart Health

The Difference Between a Heart Attack and Chronic Chest Pain

Rush interventional cardiologist Gary Schaer, MD, differentiates between heart attack-related pain and chronic chest pain
Heart Health

Why Should You Get to the Hospital Quickly For a Heart Attack?

Neeraj Jolly, MD, explains why you shouldn't wait to seek treatment if you think you're having a heart attack
Heart Health

What is an Accredited Chest Pain Center?

Yanina Purim-Shem-Tov, MD, MS, explains what it takes to receive accreditation as a Chest Pain Center
Heart Health

How Can You Prevent a Second Heart Attack?

A second heart attack can be far more deadly than a first attack
Heart Health

How is Chronic Chest Pain Treated at Rush University Medical Center?

Gary Schaer, MD, an interventional cardiologist at Rush University Medical Center, talks about treatment approaches
Heart Health

Door-To-Balloon Time and Its Effect on Heart Attack Survival

Why having a short "door-to-balloon time" improves a patient's chances of surviving a heart attack