Heart Health

6 Facts About Chest Pain

Understanding chest pain can help you beat it
Ear, Nose & Throat

5 Facts About Winter Health

So you went out in the cold with wet hair. Now you're bound to get sick, right? Wrong.
Spine & Back

5 Spinal Fusion Facts

Compared to just a decade ago, spinal fusions today often involve far less trauma to patients
Heart Health

5 Facts About PVD

Recognizing the signs of peripheral vascular disease
Woman holding leg
Brain Health & Conditions

5 Parkinson’s Disease Facts

The outlook for people with Parkinson's disease is improving
Woman on beach
Bones and Joints

5 Osteoporosis Facts

Strategies for preventing and treating this common condition
Children’s Health

5 Facts About No. 2

Bowel movements and stool offer clues about our health — as well as potential health problems
A roll of toilet paper on a green wall.
Bones and Joints

5 Knee Replacement Facts

Know your options for tackling knee pain, from joint replacement to nonsurgical treatments
Gastrointestinal Health

5 Facts About IBS

There are many misconceptions about irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Here's what you need to know.
IBS Facts
Heart Health

6 Facts About High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure affects your health at every level