Stories with tag: "Health and Wellness"

Children’s Health

Snoring in Kids

Tips to soothe your child's snoring, and when to get help
Ear, Nose & Throat

Why Are My Ears Ringing?

An ENT specialist shares 10 strategies for coping with tinnitus
Food & Nutrition

The Skinny on 7 Diet Trends

Which plans work best for weight loss and overall health
Healthy Living

Recognizing Opioid Abuse

Learn the potential red flags, and how to help if a loved one is struggling
Brain Health & Conditions

5 Signs of Epilepsy in Older Adults

Be on the lookout for these often subtle seizure symptoms
Epilepsy definition
Bones and Joints

The Future of Medicine

A look at how some current medical trends may help shape the future of medicine

Understanding Gender

Answers to common questions about gender identity, and how to be an ally
Understanding gender
Exercise & Fitness

Exercise During Pregnancy

How to stay active at every stage of pregnancy — and after you deliver

5 Facts About Type 1 Diabetes

A Rush endocrinologist gives the 411 on Type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Type 1 Facts
Food & Nutrition

6 Signs of Nutrient Deficiency

Signs you may be missing key vitamins and minerals, and how to reverse deficiencies