Stories with tag: "Alzheimer's Disease"

Brain Health & Conditions

A Way to Withstand Alzheimer’s Disease Is in Sight

The director of the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center envisions a solution to the disease
Food & Nutrition

The Skinny on 7 Diet Trends

Which plans work best for weight loss and overall health
Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's Researcher David Bennett, MD

Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Director David Bennett, MD, on the search for treatment options for Alzheimer's and dementia.
Healthy Aging & Caregiving

Daily Leafy Greens May Slow Cognitive Decline

Eating one serving of leafy green vegetables a day may help preserve memory
Brain Health & Conditions

The MIND Diet

Can the MIND Diet reduce the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease?
Brain Health & Conditions

Genes Associated With Resilience Against Brain Pathology Identified

Rush researchers have discovered two genes that are associated with aging individuals having better memory and brain function
Brain Health & Conditions

Movement as Medicine

Learn how exercise can help three common neurological conditions
Brain Health & Conditions

New Gene Discovered Associated With Tau Pathology

Tau pathology is one of the defining features of Alzheimer disease
Rush News Article
Brain Health & Conditions

Abnormal Protein May Contribute to Alzheimer’s

This finding could help researchers to understand the cause of memory loss
Alzheimer’s Disease

Cerebrovascular Disease Linked to Alzheimer's

Diseased blood vessels in the brain may contribute more significantly to Alzheimer's
Rush News Article