Stories with tag: "Rush University"
Building on Our ‘Extraordinary’ Traditions
A conversation with Rush University President Robert S.D. Higgins, MD, MSHA, about Rush’s defining characteristics, his vision for the future, and the importance of research and development
Without Boundaries: The RUSH Campaign Aims to Improve Lives
Rush University System for Health is sharing its plan to eliminate the barriers in health care preventing many from living their best, healthiest lives.

Fueling Rush’s Future
Donor-supported endowments drive the work of Rush University faculty members in perpetuity
Heart Health
From Musician to Surgeon to Philanthropist
Rush Heritage Society member Phyllis Bleck, MD ’79, DMA, leaves a lasting legacy at Rush
Health Equity
Making Strides in Closing Health Care Gaps
Philanthropic funding enables Rush faculty to advance research aimed at reducing health disparities locally and globally
Empowering Tomorrow’s Nursing Leaders
Scholarship supports first-generation student’s dream to increase health accessibility and equity for children
A Warm Welcome
Second-year medical student and DACA recipient finds community and support at Rush
Enduring Trials, Achieving Greatness and Bridging Gaps
For Golden Lamp Society scholarship recipient Charlene Gamboa, PhD ’21, being a trailblazer has come with big challenges — and rewards
Nurse Honored for Breast Cancer Care
Nurse navigator Hilary Tingley, MSN, RN, CBCN: 'It's uplifting to be recognized'
Nearly Five Decades of Dedication to RUSH
Passion for nursing education leads one RUSH alumna and retired faculty member to leave a lasting legacy.