Waterford Place Participant Information Form

Waterford Place may use your personal information for registration, recordkeeping, new program development, and fundraising activities. Your information will remain within our organization and will not be shared externally.

Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center is a Rush Copley Foundation community program. Rush Copley complies with Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression.

To withdraw consent for internal information sharing, please contact us at (331) 301-5280.

Preferred Name
Preferred Phone Number
Can Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center leave a message?
Emergency Contact
Can Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center leave a message for your Emergency Contact?

Cancer Specific Information

Cancer Stage
Has the cancer metastasized / spread from it’s original location?
Has cancer recurred?
(Medical Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist or Surgeon)
Did your physician or someone from their office refer you to Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center?

Current Cancer Treatment Information

Check the boxes that best describe each
Treatment Status
Current Treatment

Demographic Information

Race / Ethnicity
Faith Tradition
Your Primary Language
Medical Insurance Status

Support Information

Do you currently have any adults living with you?
(Currently living with you)
Re-order Name Relationship Weight Operations
more items
Do you currently have any children under the age of 18 living with you?
(Under the age of 18 and living with you)
Re-order Name Date of Birth Relationship Weight Operations
more items

Family Income

In our efforts to provide helpful resource to all participants and for grant reporting purposes, Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center is requesting family household size and income information. The information you provide will remain confidential. Please indicate family size and estimated annual income level.
Please enter the total number of family members in your household, including yourself.
Estimated Annual Income

Release and Waiver

I, the undersigned, have voluntarily chosen to participate in the classes / programs / services offered by Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center. I understand that participation in certain classes / programs / services may require physical exertion and a minimum level of physical fitness. I agree to assume all responsibility and liability for all injuries I may sustain due to my participation in these activities. In consideration for participation in the classes / programs / services, I agree to release, acquit and discharge Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center, Rush Copley Medical Center and Copley Memorial Hospital of and from any and all liability of any kind or nature, including theft or loss of personal property on account of or in any way related to my participation at Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center and Rush Copley Healthplex. I further understand and agree that failing to show for two (2) complementary therapy services appointments will result in forfeiting all future complementary therapy services appointments.
I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
Sign above
Please enter the date and time when signed.
Is participant under 18 years of age?
If participant is under 18 years old: