
If you have symptoms of hemorrhoids like anal pain and bleeding, our skilled doctors can quickly get you the treatment you need to feel more comfortable again.

If you have symptoms of hemorrhoids like anal pain and bleeding, our skilled doctors can quickly get you the treatment you need to feel more comfortable again.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins near your anus or lower rectum. If your hemorrhoids are painful, our experts can help you find the right treatment to relieve your discomfort.

Signs You Should Get Help for Hemorrhoids

The good news is that hemorrhoids usually aren't serious. The most common symptoms include the following:

  • Bright red blood on toilet paper or in your stool after a bowel movement
  • Pain or itching around your anus
  • Lumps near your anus
  • Mucous or stool on your underwear

Hemorrhoid Treatment at Rush

Often, our team can help you get back to feeling better with simple diet and lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication.

But if you have more severe hemorrhoids, our doctors can perform nonsurgical and surgical procedures to ease your pain. These include the following:

  • Medical topical therapy
  • Band ligation (also called hemorrhoid banding), a nonsurgical procedure that can remove hemorrhoids by cutting off their blood supply
  • Hemorrhoid energy therapy (HET), a nonsurgical outpatient procedure to treat symptomatic internal hemorrhoids
  • Hemorrhoidectomy, or surgery to remove hemorrhoids

If you do need surgery, colon and rectal surgeons at Rush can use minimally invasive and robotic techniques to remove your hemorrhoids — even if they are especially complex. This helps you get back to your routine more quickly and with less pain.

Hemorrhoid Care Providers at Rush

Learn more about hemorrhoid care providers at Rush.

Meet our hemorrhoid care providers
stethoscope Meet our hemorrhoid care providers

Rush Excellence in Hemorrhoid Care

  • Quick access to Rush doctors: You usually don't have to wait more than one week to see an expert in treating hemorrhoids at Rush. We offer virtual and in-person appointments with flexible times at locations across the Chicago area.
  • Expertise in complex hemorrhoid care: Our colon and rectal surgeons specialize in treating patients with difficult-to-treat hemorrhoids using minimally invasive and robotic techniques.
  • Painless approach to hemorrhoid banding: Our doctors offer a unique way to get rid of hemorrhoids called the CRH O'Regan System. It can be performed in the doctor's office in just minutes with little to no discomfort. You can even return to work the same day.
  • Experience in digestive health: When you come to Rush, your team includes some of the country's most skilled doctors in treating hemorrhoids. This expertise is recognized nationwide. U.S. News & World Report ranked Rush University Medical Center one of the country's best hospitals for gastroenterology and GI surgery.
  • Second opinions on surgery: If you're thinking about having hemorrhoid surgery, we can help you understand your options so you can make the best decision for your care — and feel better faster.