Clinical Trial Title
Efficacy of spinal manipulation therapy or mindfulness-based reduction therapy on patients with chronic low back pain.National Clinical Trial Number:
NCT02133976Contact Information
Clinical Trial Protocol Description:
Study to improve understanding of factor that may influence the effectiveness of two common treatments for chronic low back pain, mindfulness therapy or spinal manipulation therapy, and how it can help people reduce pain and suffering. Participants are randomized in one of the two therapies and will receive them free of charge. The study involves 1 baseline visit, 8 therapy visits, and 6 lab visits over the course of 3 months, a 3-month follow up visit, and a 6-month follow up visit. The therapy visits should take about 1-1.5 hours and the lab visits will last about 2-3 hours.
Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria:
In order to participate you must meet the following criteria:
- Are between 18-75 years of age.
- Have significant daily chronic pain of at least 4 on a 10-point scale.
- Have pain that interferes with daily activities of at least 3 on a 10-point scale.
You will be excluded from the study if any of the following criteria apply to you:
- Use opioid analgesics on a daily basis.
- Have ongoing psychosocial or physical therapy.
- Are pregnant.
- Have pain due to malignant conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, migraines or tension headaches, fibromyalgia, etc.
This is a partial list of eligibility requirements. To inquire about your eligibility, please call the contact number provided. If you wish to inquire via email, please include the title of the study in your message.