Keith Hood, MD, with a patient

Rush Oak Brook Surgery Center

2011 York Road, Suite 3000, Oak Brook, Illinois
Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-5 p.m.

Rush Oak Brook Surgery Center is an outpatient surgery center, which includes six operating rooms, two procedure rooms, and 28 patient bays for presurgical preparation and post-surgical recovery for patients who undergo orthopedic surgery, total joint replacement, neuro spine surgery, pain management procedures, general surgery, ear, nose and throat, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and other surgical procedures.

High-quality Specialized Treatments

The Rush Oak Brook Surgery Center includes more than forty physicians from 10 specialties: anesthesiology, pain management, orthopedics, hand and wrist, spine, foot and ankle, joint replacement, ear, nose and throat, colorectal and neurological surgery.

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Nikhil Verma, MD, with a patient

Committed to Excellence

Rush University Medical Center is ranked No. 2 in the nation for quality by Vizient

# 2.00

Physicians practicing at Rush Oak Brook Surgery Center

40.00 +

Patient satisfaction survey score

98.00 %

Patient Resources

Find important phone numbers, insurance information, patient forms, payment options and more.

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Rush Oak Brook exterior