
A message from Angelique Richard, PhD, RN, CENP, Chief Nursing Officer, RUSH University Medical Center and RUSH University System for Health; Senior Vice President, Hospital Operations, RUSH University Medical Center

I am pleased to share with you the 2023 Nursing Annual Report. The world looks to Rush Nursing to set the standard for nursing practice. In this year’s report, you will read stories of how Rush Nursing continues to set that standard across the globe. These stories are innovative, inspiring, courageous, and demonstrate our long-standing commitment to excellence. 

Enjoy reading about how Rush Nursing is impacting health equity, creating career pathways, improving patient care and outcomes, and advancing nursing practice through research and more in this year’s Nursing Annual Report.

Angelique Richard, PhD, RN, CENP
Chief Nursing Officer, RUSH University Medical Center and RUSH University System for Health
Senior Vice President, Hospital Operations, RUSH University Medical Center