Rush University Medical Center Nursing Annual Report – FY 2023

Nursing Annual Report FY 2023 hero image

The world looks to Rush Nursing to set the standard for nursing practice. In this year’s report, you will read stories of how Rush Nursing continues to set that standard across the globe. These stories are innovative, inspiring, courageous, and demonstrate our long-standing commitment to excellence.

Shared Governance

RUSH nurses continue to have a voice to ensure excellence in patient care and staff engagement. Professional Nursing Staff gives RUSH nurses a structure to achieve excellence and to move forward together.

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RUSH nurses have a lot to be proud of. We celebrate the awesome achievements of our nurses, from winning prestigious awards to publishing research papers and making presentations, sharing their findings and advancing the practice of professional nursing.

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Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is vital to transcend the challenges that we all have faced in the last few years. RUSH nurses embraced these challenges, seeking and implementing new solutions that result in better patient care.

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Structural Empowerment

Structural empowerment is about making sure all RUSH nurses can access the path to changing what needs to be changed and improving how we care for each other, our community and our patients.

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Exemplary Professional Practice

RUSH nurses provide exemplary professional practice, which ensures that patients receive the best care possible and that their needs are met. They keep finding better ways to do nearly everything. RUSH nurses can’t see a problem without seeking a solution.

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New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements

New knowledge, innovations and improvements help RUSH nurses to be the best. Every day presents opportunities to excel and advance the art and science of nursing. RUSH nurses always rise to the challenge.

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