PNS President’s Message

FY22 Professional Nursing Staff Accomplishments
Lisa Phalen, BSN, RN-BC
Lisa Phalen, BSN, RN-BC
President, Professional Nursing Staff

As we close fiscal year 2023 at Rush, I am excited and proud to present the accomplishments of the Professional Nursing Staff (PNS). During my time as president, I observed how well our nurses faced the many challenges that healthcare continues to bring. Our nurses reengaged and reinvigorated the power of professional governance, while maintaining the safest practice for our patients.

The focus of FY23 included engagement for our nurses in the PNS, continued participation in clinical ladder advancement and collaboration with executive nurse leaders to ensure the highest quality in patient care.

This fiscal year, we continued work on the goals and aspirations for the PNS that we started in FY22 with the think tank that focused on three areas: PNS committee succession planning, PNS education/engagement and innovation. The PNS executive team and committee chairs continued to work through succession planning to instill a smooth transition to new roles on the executive committee and as co-chairs for committees. The executive committee invited Tim Porter O’Grady, EdD, PhD, FN, FAAN, to revitalize our front-line nurses and leaders. His keynote helped re-educate and remind nursing staff of the power we have as nurses to influence the profession.

We decided to expand Nurses Week to Nurses Month to spread events throughout May to give more opportunities for nurses to celebrate themselves and each other for their hard work. The executive committee hosted author Ben Nemtin at Rush University Medical Center where he helped us recognize that all aspects of one’s life impact work performance. He also discussed ways to increase well-being during times of stress, anxiety and burnout.

Lastly, PNS was able to participate in a community engagement event. We invited high school seniors to the medical center to follow and experience a day with a Rush nurse on many units. The students saw first-hand what it’s like working as a Rush nurse. A panel of nurses comprised of the executive committee, Angelique Richard, PhD, RN, CENP (former CNO), and Men of Nursing was available to answer any questions regarding our wonderful profession.

I am proud of all our FY 2023 accomplishments, and I know that there is always more work to be done. I am confident that deep down, this Rush team and family will come together to find the best practice that works for the Rush nurse and our patients.

Lisa Phalen, BSN, RN-BC
President, Professional Nursing Staff