Maximizing Nursing Scope: Empowering Nurses to Practice at the Top of Their Licensure in Cardiology

Erica Kent, BSN, RN, ACSM-GEI

In July 2022, the RUSH Arrhythmia Center, within the department of cardiology, reorganized the structure of their registered nurses to provide an evidence-based, holistic approach to patient care through the implementation of team-based care.

The reorganization aimed to optimize nursing efficiency and quality of care by empowering nurses to work at the fullest extent of their licensure and specialize in the various cardiology subspecialties and improve patient outcomes. This involved restructuring workflows, refining protocols and fostering a culture of autonomy and professional development among nursing staff.

The RUSH Arrhythmia Center conducted the following methodology to inform the performance improvement work:

  • Assessment of Practices: Conducted an in-depth analysis of existing workflows, job descriptions and state regulations to identify barriers limiting nurses from practicing to their full potential.
  • Redesigning Workflows: Implemented revised evidence-based, nurse-driven protocols and delegation strategies to streamline tasks and allow nurses to take on responsibilities commensurate with their expertise.
  • Education and Training: Provided continuous education and training sessions to enhance skill sets, encourage critical thinking and promote confidence in decision-making.
  • Supportive Environment: Cultivated a supportive work environment that values collaboration, open communication and mutual respect between interdisciplinary teams.

Program Successes

As a result of this work, the following has occurred:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Optimized workflows led to increased efficiency in patient care delivery.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Empowering nurses resulted in quicker response times, better care coordination and a reduction in medical errors.
  • Professional Satisfaction: Nurses reported higher job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment, leading to increased retention rates and recruitment success.
  • Cost Savings: Improved efficiency and reduced errors contributed to potential cost savings for RUSH.

The project demonstrated the pivotal role of empowering nurses to work at the pinnacle of their licensure. By providing nurses with opportunities, support and resources to showcase their skills, the program proved to elevate the quality of patient care and foster a more engaged and motivated nursing workforce.

This project serves as a model for health care organizations seeking to optimize their resources and improve patient outcomes by maximizing the capabilities of their nursing staff.