Take a moment to schedule your mammogram

woman getting mammogram screening

Breast Health Services

When it comes to breast health, we provide you with the most advanced breast imaging technology because accuracy in assessing your health is our first priority. And you’ll be treated like our guest, with warm, personalized service in a beautiful, spa-like environment, designed for a soothing, comfortable experience.

There have been many advancements in detecting breast cancer. As a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence recognized by the American College of Radiology, we offer the following breast cancer screening options:

  • 3D Digital Mammography
  • 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound Screening (ABUS)
  • Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound
  • Ultra Short Bore Breast MRI
  • Stereotactic, Ultrasound and MRI Guided Breast Biopsy
  • Magseed Breast Localization
  • Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA) to identify High Lifetime Risk is part of every patient's mammogram visit
mother and daughters

Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center

Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center offers services and support, free of charge, to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis.

Waterford Place Services and Support
Jennifer Yanak, MSN, MBA, FNP-BC

High Risk Breast Clinic Helps Detect Cancer Earlier

Managed by Jennifer Yanak, MSN, MBA, FNP-BC, Rush Copley’s High Risk Breast Clinic provides a personalized approach to breast health which can help patients detect breast cancer earlier.

Learn more

Tips for a Good Mammogram

Plan your mammogram for a time of the month when your breasts will be least tender. Try to avoid the week before your period.

Don't wear talcum powder or deodorant on the day of your mammogram as these substances might show up as shadows requiring repeat images.

It is important for the radiologist to compare the new images taken with your previous mammograms - our staff will happily assist in this process of obtaining any outside images and reports.

Schedule a Mammogram
mammogram screening at MCAI