Protecting the Prostate

How to keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk of developing serious problems down the road

For something so small, the prostate can cause big problems. This gland, which is roughly the size of a walnut, is an essential part of a man's urinary and reproductive systems.

But it's not uncommon for men to suffer from prostate-related issues, especially as they age. In fact, age is one of the biggest risk factors for some conditions, including an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

While you can't turn back the clock or change your race or family history — significant risk factors for prostate cancer — Christopher Coogan, MD, a urologist at RUSH MD Anderson Cancer Center, says there are some relatively simple steps you can take to keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk of developing serious problems down the road.

1. Exercise.

Being active can help stabilize your hormone levels (when uncontrolled, these levels can become elevated and lead to prostate cancer).

 The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous each week to help reduce a risk of cancer.

"Exercise can also help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important because there's a proven link between high body weight and prostate diseases."

2. Think zinc.

The prostate gland stores zinc, which not only prevents prostate enlargement but may also help to shrink a prostate gland that’s already swollen.

Make sure that you're getting the recommended daily allowance — 15 milligrams per day — of zinc through foods such as pumpkin seeds (in the shell), oysters, nuts and beans, or by taking a zinc supplement.

3. Eat more tomato sauce.

Research has shown that lycopene may be associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

What is lycopene? It's a powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes, as well as watermelon and pink grapefruit, their rich red color. One study found that the risk of developing prostate cancer, especially aggressive prostate cancer, decreased with increasing blood lycopene levels.

Cooked or processed tomato products, such as pasta sauce and tomato paste, are a tasty way to add lycopene to your diet. They pack a greater lycopene punch than raw tomatoes and cooking the tomatoes in a healthy monosaturated fat (such as olive oil) helps the body to better absorb lycopene.

4. Don't take selenium or vitamin E supplements.

Research also suggests that taking selenium (a trace mineral) or vitamin E supplements may significantly increase prostate cancer risk.

A study published in 2014 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute revealed the following:

  • Taking selenium supplements may nearly double your risk of aggressive prostate cancer if you already have a high concentration of selenium in your body.
  • Taking vitamin E supplements can more than double your prostate cancer risk if you have a low concentration of selenium in your body.

Bottom line: Steer clear of these supplements, Coogan says. You can, however, still take multivitamins without worrying. The amount of selenium and vitamin E in a daily vitamin is far lower than in supplements.

But the best option is to simply get the recommended daily allowance of both selenium (55 micrograms) and vitamin E (400 IU) as part of a healthy diet.

5. Cut back on the fats.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation notes that a diet high in fat can cause the body to produce fewer antioxidants, which are essential to maintaining a healthy prostate. Opt mainly for lean proteins such as chicken and fish instead of consuming large quantities of fatty red meats.

But go easy on the grilling, Coogan advises, since the carcinogens found in grilled and charred proteins can inflame the prostate. Try baking, broiling, poaching or steaming instead.

6. Most important — get screened.

Most prostate cancers are silent, meaning they don't have symptoms until they're more advanced. So even if you don't experience symptoms of prostate problems, it's crucial to have regular physical exams and check with your doctor if screening is right for you.

"The single most important thing I tell my patients is to get regular screenings," Coogan says. "We want to catch the cancer at the earliest, most treatable stage."

RUSH MD Anderson provides prostate care in Chicago, Oak Park and Aurora/Fox Valley. You can make an appointment online or by calling (888) 352-7874.

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